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Racist trade card illustration depicting a three-quarter length portrait of a smiling African American girl. The girl holds an overflowing bale of cotton in her arms. A picturesque countryside and field of cotton is visible in the background. The…

Racist trade card illustration depicting a smiling African American girl holding a crying African American baby in a watermelon carved in the shape of a bassinet in her lap. The girl is attired in a red and yellow dress with white lace ruffles and…

Racist trade card illustration depicting an African American woman walking past a white man. The woman is attired in a straw hat, a dot-patterned dress with a ruffled collar, and flat shoes. She holds a basket filled with flowers in her right arm.…

Racist trade card promoting soap manufacturer Enoch Morgan’s Sons Company and depicting the caricature of an African American child’s head emerging out of a watermelon. The child, portrayed with exaggerated features, smiles as their eyes look to the…

Racist trade card promoting Hart & Smith’s steamboat route on the Indian River in Florida. Depicts caricatures of African Americans picking cotton on a plantation. Shows an African American man, attired in a hat, a blue collared shirt with the…

Racist trade card promoting J.H.T. Hopkins’s clothing store and depicting a caricature of an African American man sitting on a rock as birds fly towards his hat. Shows the African American man portrayed with exaggerated features attired in a top hat,…

Trade card promoting grocers Bissell & Underwood and depicting a racist scene of barefooted, African American men knocked about from a kicking mule in the middle of a cottonfield. In the center, a mule equipped with a saddle and reins, kicks its back…

Trade card promoting A. Colburn & Co.’s mustard and depicting a racist caricature of an young African girl riding an ostrich in a tropical setting. Show the barefooted girl, attired in a short-sleeved, knee-length, red dress with yellow trim, holding…

Racist trade card promoting wheelwrights the Goodwin Brothers and depicting caricatures of African Americans picking cotton on a plantation. In the left, an African American man, attired in a hat, a blue plaid shirt, blue and white striped pants, and…

Racist trade card promoting James S. Kirk & Co.’s Satinet soap and depicting a caricature of an African American boy carrying an oversized branch of cotton and a red cloth that trails behind him. Shows the African American boy attired in a torn straw…
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