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  • Tags: Roberts-Meg

Shoemaker 1-200.pdf
Letters and diaries of Rebecca Shoemaker and of her daughters Anna Rawle and Margaret Rawle, loyalists during the American Revolution. Typescript

Elizabeth Byles.pdf
This is a collection of papers of the Ball family of Philadelphia. It encompasses the families of William Ball, Joseph Ball, and John Ball. Other persons represented in this collection are Henry Banks, a merchant of Richmond Virginia, Daniel…

Bringhurst p1-98.pdf
A compendium compiled after 1811 of spiritual diaries of members of the Bringhurst family: an account of the death of Anna Pole Bringhurst by her husband, James Bringhurst, Philadelphia Quaker merchant, 1777; diary of the last months of Hannah Peters…

There are several families represented in this collection of personal correspondence--Gore, Elliot, and Cathcart. It is unclear as to the familial connection with the Plumstead family. The only link is that a Mrs. Gore, sister of Elizabeth Elliot, is…

SLF v2 .pdf
The diaries of Sarah Logan Fisher, wife of Thomas Fisher, Philadelphia Quaker merchant, detail domestic and family concerns, social and religious gatherings, and spiritual contemplation of a well-educated Quakeress. There is some account of the…

SLF v1 .pdf
The diaries of Sarah Logan Fisher, wife of Thomas Fisher, Philadelphia Quaker merchant, detail domestic and family concerns, social and religious gatherings, and spiritual contemplation of a well-educated Quakeress. There is some account of the…

Renaudet ms.pdf
This notebook contains the observations of a mid-18th century New York apprentice. It is a record of clinical cases, in which Renaudet describes the patients' ailments, treatments prescribed and the result of those treatments. Common ailments include…
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