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Bringhurst p1-98.pdf
A compendium compiled after 1811 of spiritual diaries of members of the Bringhurst family: an account of the death of Anna Pole Bringhurst by her husband, James Bringhurst, Philadelphia Quaker merchant, 1777; diary of the last months of Hannah Peters…

There are several families represented in this collection of personal correspondence--Gore, Elliot, and Cathcart. It is unclear as to the familial connection with the Plumstead family. The only link is that a Mrs. Gore, sister of Elizabeth Elliot, is…

Scrap depicting a racist caricature of an African American boy butler. Shows the full-length portrait of the boy attired in a white shirt and bowtie, a yellow waistcoat, an orange jacket with tails, white gloves, blue pants, and white and black…

Racist, greeting card depicting a caricature portrayed with exaggerated features of an African American child’s face. The oversized child’s face looks directly at the viewer and purse’s their lips. The interior image has a depiction of the same child…

Post card depicting a racist caricature of an African American boy in a grapefruit orchard. Shows the barefooted boy smiling at the viewer and attired in a red collared jumpsuit with a belt. He holds the branches of a grapefruit tree that is laden…

Birthday card depicting a racist caricature an African American girl standing as flowers grow over a fence and towards a house. Shows the African American girl portrayed with exaggerated features and attired in an orange dress with purple polka dots,…

Scrap depicting a racist caricature of an African American man smiling and carrying a watermelon. Shows the full-length portrait of the man portrayed with exaggerated features and attired in a white collared shirt with blue stripes, a yellow…

Racist, trade card specimen depicting African Americans picking cotton on a plantation. In the left foreground, shows an African American man, attired in a hat, a long-sleeved shirt, pants, and shoes, carrying a basket on his back filled with cotton.…
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