Browse Items (624 total)

Trade card promoting grocers Bissell & Underwood and depicting a racist scene of barefooted, African American men knocked about from a kicking mule in the middle of a cottonfield. In the center, a mule equipped with a saddle and reins, kicks its back…

[1602] Borie FF1.pdf
This collection includes business and personal letters of John Joseph Borie, of his wife Sophie, and of his sons and daughters and relatives in France. A large portion of the papers and documents relates to Santo Domingo, with letters from Toussaint…

[1602] Borie FF5.pdf
This collection includes business and personal letters of John Joseph Borie, of his wife Sophie, and of his sons and daughters and relatives in France. A large portion of the papers and documents relates to Santo Domingo, with letters from Toussaint…

[1602]Borie FF7.pdf
This collection includes business and personal letters of John Joseph Borie, of his wife Sophie, and of his sons and daughters and relatives in France. A large portion of the papers and documents relates to Santo Domingo, with letters from Toussaint…

[1602]Borie Vol.1_p165-246.pdf
This collection includes business and personal letters of John Joseph Borie, of his wife Sophie, and of his sons and daughters and relatives in France. A large portion of the papers and documents relates to Santo Domingo, with letters from Toussaint…

[1602]Borie Vol.1_p73-164.pdf
This collection includes business and personal letters of John Joseph Borie, of his wife Sophie, and of his sons and daughters and relatives in France. A large portion of the papers and documents relates to Santo Domingo, with letters from Toussaint…

[1602]Borie Vol.1_p1-72.pdf
This collection includes business and personal letters of John Joseph Borie, of his wife Sophie, and of his sons and daughters and relatives in France. A large portion of the papers and documents relates to Santo Domingo, with letters from Toussaint…

[1602]Borie Vol. 2_pt1.pdf
This collection includes business and personal letters of John Joseph Borie, of his wife Sophie, and of his sons and daughters and relatives in France. A large portion of the papers and documents relates to Santo Domingo, with letters from Toussaint…

[1602]Borie Vol. 2_pt2.pdf
This collection includes business and personal letters of John Joseph Borie, of his wife Sophie, and of his sons and daughters and relatives in France. A large portion of the papers and documents relates to Santo Domingo, with letters from Toussaint…

[1602]Borie Vol. 2_pt3.pdf
This collection includes business and personal letters of John Joseph Borie, of his wife Sophie, and of his sons and daughters and relatives in France. A large portion of the papers and documents relates to Santo Domingo, with letters from Toussaint…
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