Browse Items (624 total)

There are several families represented in this collection of personal correspondence--Gore, Elliot, and Cathcart. It is unclear as to the familial connection with the Plumstead family. The only link is that a Mrs. Gore, sister of Elizabeth Elliot, is…

Bringhurst p1-98.pdf
A compendium compiled after 1811 of spiritual diaries of members of the Bringhurst family: an account of the death of Anna Pole Bringhurst by her husband, James Bringhurst, Philadelphia Quaker merchant, 1777; diary of the last months of Hannah Peters…

Elizabeth Byles.pdf
This is a collection of papers of the Ball family of Philadelphia. It encompasses the families of William Ball, Joseph Ball, and John Ball. Other persons represented in this collection are Henry Banks, a merchant of Richmond Virginia, Daniel…
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